Why and How to Buy RDP Today ?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) has been around for a long time. It was first introduced as Terminal Services under the Windows NT 4.0. And all throughout the early 2000s, it was a trademark feature of Windows systems. Today, it continues to exist as a Remote Desktop Protocol. And while there are many who claim that this technology is now obsolete, there are still many reasons why individuals and businesses alike should buy RDP.

Today, we’ll take a look at why RDP is still as relevant as it was back in the day. And we’ll break down what to look for when you’re considering an RDP client purchase. But before we get into these aspects, let’s get a quick understanding of what RDP really is.

What is RDP?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is the capability to bring together remote input and remote display using Windows programs that run on a server. It usually takes place over specific network connections for said Windows programs.

To put it simply, it allows a user to remotely control and operate a Windows device without physically being present at the device.

What the RDP does is connect the client/program’s input devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.) to the output device (monitor) located in a remote server.

Now that we have a clearer understanding of what this technology entails let’s get a brief look at how it’s useful (even today).

Why Buy RDP Today?

When you buy RDP and start using it, there are multiple instances where it proves to be really helpful.

Alternative to VPNs

Traditionally, VPNs only serve in masking your IP address or physical location. While this is useful in many instances, VPNs are still vulnerable to specific attacks. The advantage of using an RDP here is that your own system stays safe and secure.

RDP as an additional device

For people who constantly have to travel or be out and about, using an RDP can almost be like having access to a second computer. You don’t have to carry your original device along with you. Using cloud services and remote access will allow you to use your data even without physical access to the remote computer.

Workaround geographical restrictions

When was the last time you tried/attempted to access a website or web content only to be told that it’s not available in your region? When you buy RDP and use it correctly, you can access the content through a server in an unrestricted location.

Potentially enjoy faster speeds.

Home connections can often fall short of standard server speeds that range around 1Gbps. While it’s not guaranteed, you can possibly get access to a remote server that will allow that kind of speed.

So, there’s no doubt that you can open a world of opportunities when you use RDP correctly. But with so many clients and programs around, it’s difficult to make a choice when you try to buy RDP.

To help you decide, we’ve compiled the top features you should look for while purchasing any RDP client. As long as the service/program checks these boxes, you should be good to go.

What to Look for When you Buy RDP

Efficient Control Panel

The RDP’s Control Panel is where most of your setup, connection, and access will take place. So, you need an advanced panel that can give you adequate control over your current device and, eventually, the remote device.

Make sure the program comes with GUI Access for remote desktops so that you get optimum performance.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Not every RDP program will guarantee unlimited bandwidth to its customers. So, as you set out to buy RDP, check to make sure they provide adequate bandwidth.

As far as possible, go for a package that includes unlimited bandwidth so that you don’t face outages or quality issues.

Global Access and Availability

If you buy RDP programs that only get access to limited locations, you’ll miss out on some of the main advantages. Also, it may mean you have to pay extra for accessing some restricted regions.

To make sure you enjoy worldwide applicability in your remote access, make sure your RDP services work equally well everywhere.


Finally, look for an RDP that can provide the necessary configuration at budget-friendly rates. Ditch any services that offer extra add-ons simply to charge you through the roof. You want your RDP client to remain affordable even as you use it for a long period.

However, you also want to ensure that the RDP doesn’t have limitations simply for a lower price. It’s better to up your budget slightly and get quality services than save a few dollars and end up with an inefficient program.

Final Notes

When you’re out to buy RDP, there are many considerations to make. With this list of pointers and insights, you can filter out the best ones from the not-so-great ones.

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